Electrical Panel Installation, Upgrading, and Replacement

Your home's electrical panel supplies the right amount of power to each space in your home. Electrical panels connect the main power line to your home and distribute electrical currents accordingly. Without them, homes risk serious electrical problems and even fires. While typically reliable and safe, electrical panels can begin to show signs of wear and tear over time. If flickering lights or strange smells have left you wondering whether you should upgrade your electrical panel, you'll want to give Ross Electric a call. There are a bunch of reasons you might need a panel replacement. Most circuit breaker panels ought to be replaced after about 25 years of use, and certainly within the first 40. Some panels are known as fire hazards. Any damaged or obsolete breaker panels ought to be replaced. Whether you've got a damaged, outdated, or just plain dangerous breaker panel it's time to get an upgrade. Please note that upgrading electrical panels is dangerous and should only be handled by a professional electrician.